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Eastern KY Correctional Complex


To serve and protect the people of Kentucky by securely providing care, custody and control of adult male convicted felons and by providing a structured work environment, academic and vocational education, religious and behavior modification programs, all with the intent and design to support inmate accountability, reduce recidivism and increase the incidence of community reintegration.

About EKCC

Eastern Kentucky Correctional Complex is a medium security institution located in the Appalachian Region of Morgan County in Eastern Kentucky. Construction began in January 1986 with the ground breaking ceremony presided over by Governor Martha Layne Collins. In order to meet the growing need for inmate housing, the institution was designed to be completed in two phases. The first phase was completed and began receiving inmates in February 1990. Phase II was completed in December 1991. The cost of both phases was $72,979,200. A 90 bed minimum security unit exists outside the fence. The institution sits on 157 acres of land. The design received the 1990 Kentucky Society of Architects of the American Institute of Architects (AIA) Hone Award of Design Excellence.

200 Road to Justice
West Liberty, KY 41472
(Morgan County)
​Warden: ​Shawn McKenzie
ADA Coordinator: Larry Williams​
Phone: (606) 743-2800
Fax: (606) 743-2811

Institutional Information

​Security Status​Medium/Minimum
​Date Opened​1990
​Total Acreage
​Total Staff​360
​Black Inmates
​White Inmates
​Annual Cost Per Inmate
​Daily Cost Per Inmate
​Annual Operating Budget
​$44​ Million

Accredited by the American Correctional Association (ACA).