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Victim Services


Vine Protective Order

VPO is a free, anonymous service that allows petitioners to access information about their protective order. Information provided includes: Type of order; Emergency Protective Order, Domestic Violence Order, Interpersonal violence order (link to KR​S403 and 456.030), issue date, service status (served/unserved), service date, expiration date, attempt to purchase a firearm (only available on Domestic Violence Order), hearing date, change in hearing date, terms and conditions and failure to serve. Click here for notification definitions.

Registering with VINE Protective Order

When contacting KY VINE Protective Order, have the respondents name and/or case number ready. This number can be found on your petition or protective order. (Example: Case number 15D123456-001) If you case number starts with an "E" you have been issued an electronic Protective Order. The court will issue a different case number, be sure to contact the Circuit Clerks office to confirm your case number.


You may register with the following:




Make VINE a part of your safety plan.