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Region 6


P&P Reentry Coordinators

District 8
Gregory Purvis
Phone: 859-274-3067
Counties Covered: Montgomery, Powell, Wolfe, Menifee, Bath, Rowan, Madison, Estill, Lee Owsley, Breathitt, and Clark.

District 9
David Penix​
Phone: 859-270-3425​
Counties Covered: Fayette

District 14
Alexis Darland
​Phone: 859-753-3918​
Counties Covered: Bourbon, Garrard, Harrison, Jessamine, Nicholas, Pendleton, Robertson, Scott, Woodford.

Adult Institutions Reentry Coordinators

Blackburn Correctional Complex
Benjamin Werner​​
Kristine Goetzinger
CTO-Wendy Walrod​
Phone: 859-246-2366

Lee Adjustment Center
Kristy Hale
Phone: 606-464-2866

County Jail Reentry Coordinators

Courtlyn King
Phone: 606-362-6348
Counties Jails Covered: ​Mason, Powell, and Lee.

Reentry Employment Program Administrators

Richard Price
Phone: 606-614-5131
Office: Estill County

Felicia Leischner
Phone: 859-270-9933
Office: Danville

Matt Russell
Phone: 502-316-2715​
Office: Lexington

William Wild
Phone: 859-391-7593