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Region 5


P&P Reentry Coordinators

District 7
Penny Stacy
Phone: ​859-206-9062
Counties Covered: Boone, Kenton, Campbell.

District 12
Lyndsey Kessinger
​Phone: ​502-686-0375
Counties Covered: Anderson, Carroll, Franklin, Gallatin, Grant, Henry, Oldham, Owen, Shelby, Spencer, Trimble.


Adult Institutions Reentry Coordinators

Kentucky State Reformatory
Sarah Heath ext. 4232
Tiffany Norris ext. 4091
Anna Francis
CTO-Justin Parks ext. 2082
Phone:​ 502-222-9441

Roederer Correctional Complex
Andrea Kaelin ext. 450
Allison Wells
Sara King ext. 243
CTO-Kelsey Carman
Phone: 502-222-0173


County Jail Reentry Coordinators

Audra Napier​
​​Phone: ​859-227-5377​
County Jails Covered: ​Grant 

Reentry Employment Program Administrator

Northern Kentucky
Will Wild
Phone: 859-391-7593
Felicia Leischner
Phond: 859-270-9933
Office: Bellevue