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Public Information

Research and Data

Cooperative Research

Interested in conducting a research project in cooperation with the Kentucky Department of Corrections? Corrections Policy & Proc​edure 5.1 outlines the process. Send your proposal and abstract to:

Kentucky Department of Corrections
Research Office
PO Box 2400
Frankfort, KY 40602-2400

Kentucky Criminal Justice Statistical Analysis Center

The Criminal Justice Statistical ​Analysis Center is supported in part by the U.S. Bureau of Justice Statistics to enhance the capabilities of the states to collect, analyze, and interpret data on relevant issue and provide a mechanism for sharing data among states and the federal government. There are SACs in 49 states, the District of Columbia, Puerto Rico, and the Northern Mariana Islands. The Kentucky Statistical Analysis Center is authorized by KRS 15.280 and located in the Kentucky Justice and Public Safety Cabinet.

Criminal Justice Kentucky Treatment Outcome Study

Bureau of Justice Statistics

U.S. Census Bureau

Kentucky Quick Facts

For any data requests, please complete the following form and email to​

CPP 5.1 Research Data Request Form