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Adult Institutions

​​​Supporting a successful transition to the community and maintaining stability within the offender population is central to the mission of the Kentucky Department of Corrections. The Department protects public safety by ensuring that offenders receive programming to support their successful return to the community. Programs are standardized across the Department, implemented with dedicated resources, and regularly reviewed for quality assurance. 

This practical guide was prepared to highlight the Department's programs. Each program summary in this directory contains key information: a Program Description, Time Frame, Admission Criteria, Program Content, Applicable Policies and locations. 

The Department maintains a catalogue of evidence-based, life skills, promising practice, and substance abuse programs to address a wide range of reentry, supervision, and incarceration needs. Program offerings vary based on available resources and the needs of the offender population. The Department of Corrections maintains a list of the programs that are currently available.

General Information
Evidence Based Programs are programs demonstrated by scientific research to reliably produce reductions in recidivism.

Promising Practice represents a program that may have some research or data showing positive outcomes but does not meet criteria as an Evidence Based program. Promising practices have a clear focus and includes processes of accountability and evaluation.

Life Skills Programs provide strategies to assist in removing barriers for successful reintegration and address skill areas including time management, money management, use of technology, communication, and social skills.

Substance Abuse Programs are an evidence based drug treatment program for individuals with a substance use disorder.

Case Management  An unstructured collaborative process of meeting with a member of the behavior management team/contract staff in a small group or individual setting, to discuss needs, progress in programming, conduct assessment of needs, safety planning, relapse prevention planning, and care coordination. Does not include attendance tracking or progress review.
Applicable Corrections Policies and Procedures:

See CPP 10.2 Special Management Housing and Restrictive Housing

See CPP 18.1  Classification of the Inmate and
CPP 18.2  Central Office Classification Committee
Chapter 30 - Inmates and Offender Programs​​


The Kentucky Department of Corrections provides this directory as a means of describing programs offered throughout the Department. This list contains information, which is updated quarterly, but programming offered is subject to change over time. Offenders shall not be able to complete the same program or course twice unless authorized staff have approved. Programs not listed in this course catalogue are not eligible for sentence credit. Faith Based/Religious program shall not receive sentence credit.


Course Catalogue:

Addiction Services​​​​​​​

Cognitive B​ehavioral P​rograms​​

Faith Based Programs

Reentry Programs

Adult Institutions Program Matrix

Full Adult Institutions Catalogue​​

Education Catalogue: