In light of recent and developing research on the mental health of correctional staff and more specifically, the work examining PTSD, the Kentucky Department of Corrections has taken steps to address the well-being of staff.
In 2015, partnership with the University of Louisville, Department of Criminal Justice, a project to study the impact of stress on staff was initiated, and then completed in January 2017.
As a result of this study, the KYDOC established the CISD and Staff Wellness Teams, who are under the Assistant Director.
The purpose of these teams are to increase focus on staff wellness initiatives.
The KY DOC Wellness Team is a group of staff who have volunteered to represent their offices and/or institutions, to provide information about wellness, health contests, health fairs, clinics and health insurance information to staff.
Staff Wellness can be contacted at (502) 222-7808
Ruth Staples
Assistant Director of Staff Wellness and Critical Incident Stress Debriefing