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Bell County Forestry Camp


To operate a safe and secure male minimum-security institution. This includes providing care, housing, custody, and control. Program emphasis is directed at returning inmates to the community based upon his demonstrated conduct and performance. Inmates are encouraged to help themselves by participating in opportunities available to facilitate return to the community as a responsible citizen.

About BCFC

The Bell County Forestry Camp is a 300-man minimum security institution located in Bell County near Pineville. This facility, which opened in 1962, provides inmates labor to the Division of Forestry for fire fighting and fire break clearing. Governmental Services Program work details are also provided for other city, county, and state agencies.

Bell  County Forestry Camp
560 Correctional Drive
Pineville, KY 40977
​Warden: James Dibrell
ADA Coordinator: Jared Gibson
Phone: (606) 337-7065
Fax: (606) 337-1312


Physical Layout

BCFC is situated approximately fourteen (14) miles south-west of Pineville, Kentucky. BCFC grounds cover an area of approximately fifteen acres in rural Bell County. There are fourteen buildings on the compound that include a dormitory, which contains three casework offices and two temporary holding cells. In addition to the dormitory, there are other buildings which consist of an academic school, administration building, procedures office, medical building, multi-purpose building, recreation building, kitchen/dining hall, inmate library, inmates canteen, chapel, caustic/toxic, maintenance, training center, and a number of storage, utility, and support buildings. A water plant supplies the institution with drinking water as well as a sewage treatment plant.

Institutional Information

​Security Status​Minimum
​Date Opened​1962
​Total Acreage​15
​Total Staff​49
​Black Inmates​67%
​White Inmates
​Annual Cost Per Inmate
​Daily Cost Per Inmate​$45.68
​Annual Operating Budget​$3.9 Million

Accredited by the American Correctional Association (ACA). BCFC was first accredited in 1990. The most recent re-accreditation was January 2023 with a score of 100%