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To provide a medium security institution for the citizens of the Commonwealth of Kentucky that is within the organizational framework of the Department of Corrections, Division of Adult Institutions. This institution will provide housing, case management, and safety for adult male and female felons while delivering resources to the inmate, staff, and Commonwealth, which are designed to measurably reduce the probability of inmate re-incarceration.

About WKCC

 Located in Lyon County near Fredonia, Western Kentucky Corrections Complex (WKCC) comprises of a medium custody facility and the Ross-Cash Center, a minimum custody unit. Originally constructed in 1968 as a satellite facility and work camp of Kentucky State Penitentiary (KSP), the property transitioned to Western Kentucky Farm Center in 1977 and became a separate correctional minimum security facility. In 1989, the institution was renamed Western Kentucky Correctional Complex (WKCC) and was converted into medium security facility with a minimum security unit remaining. The facility underwent a transition in 2010 when its population was changed from adult males to adult females. In 2015, responding to an ever changing corrections population, the facility was split into two separate prisons. WKCC became a secure-custody adult male facility and The Ross-Cash Center (Ross-Cash) was created as a minimum security adult female facility.

In 2016, Ross-Cash joined WKCC becoming one facility again, retaining separate adult male and female populations, and making WKCC the only state-level co-ed facility in Kentucky. Since 1988, WKCC has been accredited with the American Correctional Association (ACA), which is recognized throughout the nation as the accrediting body of correctional agencies.

Today, Western Kentucky Correctional Complex houses a population of six hundred ninety-three (693); four hundred ninety-three (493) beds are located within a fenced perimeter and houses an adult male population. The other two hundred (200) beds are located outside the fenced perimeter at The Ross-Cash Center and houses an adult female population.

Western Kentucky Correctional Complex
374 New Bethel Church Road
Fredonia, KY 42411
(Lyon County)
Warden: Bobbi Jo Butts​
ADA Coordinator: Dan Smith​
Phone: (270) 388-9781
Fax: (270) 388-0031

Institutional Information

​Security Status​Medium
​Date Opened​1977
​White Inmates​64%
​Black/Other Inmates​36%
​Annual Cost Per Inmate​$23,425.70
​Daily Cost Per Inmate​$64.18
​Annual Operating Budget​$10.7 Million


Accredited by American Correctional Association (ACA) since 1988.