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Policies and Procedures

Policies and Procedures

​The Policies and Procedures provided here are unofficial versions and are intended for informational​ purposes only. They are provided by the Department as a service to the public. They are subject to change at any time and do not include the secure Policies and Procedures of the Department. The Department does not guarantee the accuracy or completeness of the postings.

Table of Contents​​​​​​

Chapter 0 - Introduction
Chapter 1 - Administration, Organization & Management
Chapter 2 - Fiscal Management
Chapter 3 - Personnel
Chapter 4 - Training and Staff Development
Chapter 5 - Management Information and Research
Chapter 6 - Records
Chapter 7 - Physical Plant
Chapter 8 - Safety and Emergency Procedures
Chapter 9 - Security and Control
Chapter 10 - Special Management Inmates
Chapter 11 - Food Services
Chapter 12 - Sanitation and Hygiene
Chapter 13 - Medical and Health Care Services
Chapter 14 - Inmate Rights
Chapter 15 - Inmate Rules and Discipline
Chapter 16 - Communication, Mail, and Visiting
Chapter 17 - Reception and Orientation
Chapter 18 - Classification
Chapter 19 - Inmate Work Programs
Chapter 20 -Academic and Vocational Education
Chapter 21 - Library Services
Chapter 22 - Recreation and Inmate Activities
Chapter 23 - Religious Services
Chapter 25 - Release Preparation and Temporary Release
Chapter 26 - Citizen Involvement and Volunteers
Chapter 27 - Supervision - Probation and Parole
Chapter 28 - Investigations and Reports - Probation and Parole
Chapter 29 - Reentry Initiatives
Chapter 30 - Inmates and Offender Programs