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About Roederer Correctional Complex


Roederer Correctional Complex has 3 distinct purposes:

  1. The Assessment and Classification Center processes all incoming male felons with the exception of those sentenced to death row. In excess of 3,500 are process by this institution per year. The assessment Center is also responsible for all sentence calculations of felons in Controlled Intake (currently 1,600) and for classifying felons for the Class D Program (approximately 9,000 per year).
  2. Roederer Correctional Complex permanent inmates provide support services for the institution including 200 inmates who work in the Maintenance Department, Kitchen, Laundry, Legal Office, Grievance Office, etc. 108 minimum custody inmates maintain the 3,000 acre farm. The permanent inmate population at this institution totals 308 at full capacity.
  3. The Substance Abuse Treatment Program is a 200-bed intensive in-patient treatment unit for minimum and community custody inmates. Treatment is facilitated through inmate mentors (former program graduates), treatment staff, security staff, community mentors and volunteers.


Roederer Correctional Complex
P.O. Box 69
LaGrange, Kentucky 40031
(Oldham County)
Warden: Ravonne Sims​
ADA Coordinator: Kelsey Patterson​
Phone: (502) 222-0170
(502) 222-0173​​
Fax: (502) 225-0084


Institutional Information

​Security Status​Medium/Minimum
​Date Opened​1976
​Total Acreage​3,000
​Total Staff​258
​Black Inmates​35%
​White Inmates​65%
Annual Cost Per Inmate​$32,839.41​
​Daily Cost Per Inmate
​Annual Operating Budget​$17.1 Million


Accredited by the American Correctional Association