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Visiting Information


  • By appointment ONLY
  • Visiting Hours
    • Inmates may receive visits on weekends and state holidays between the hours of 9:00am and 9:30am. New visitors shall not enter the complex after 9:30am. Visitors shall exit the institutional grounds by 12:45​pm.
  • Entry and Identification of Visitors
    • Visitors shall stop at Post One giving proper identification including vehicle license number. The officer shall direct the visitor to the visitors parking and visiting area. Each visitor shall sign in with the Visiting Officer located at the Visitation Building.
    • Visitor's car and person shall be subject to search in accordance with CPPs 9.6, 9.8, and 16.1.
    • Visitors shall park in the designated parking lot across the road from the gym. Upon exiting the vehicle, it shall be securely locked with all windows rolled up and all items locked up that are in the back of pick-up trucks. Vehicles need to be secured.
    • Visitors shall enter the visiting area from the front entrance of the Visitation Building. Once a visitor enters the visiting area, they shall not be allowed to return to their vehicle except for leaving the Complex, unless authorized by the Visitation Supervisor.
    • Visitors leaving the Complex shall not be allowed to return to the complex until the next scheduled visiting day.
    • Due to space limitation of the visiting area, inmates shall not be permitted more than three (3) approved adult visitors per visiting period.
    • Visitors in need of a prescription drug during a visit shall be required to bring NO MORE THAN THE EXACT dosage for that day and it shall be in the original container. This must be reported to the Post One Officer prior to the visitor entering the visiting area.
    • Visitors shall be prohibited from bringing any food or drinks to the visiting area. Vending machines shall be provided. BCC staff, visitors, or inmates shall not shake any vending machine for any reason. See the Visitation Officer if machine malfunctions and a refund if required. Inmates are not allowed at the vending machines.
    • Visitors shall be assigned to a table by a Visiting Officer and directed to the seat until the inmates to be visited arrives.
    • Visiting Officers have the authority to determine seating arrangements.
    • Visitors shall be required to remain in the immediate visiting area. Children shall remain with parents at all times and parents shall be responsible for the supervision of children. Visitors shall remain seated at their assigned tables if the inmate being visited is not at the table. Both the inmate and the visitor shall not be authorized to be away from the table at the same time unless authorized by the Visitation Officer.
    • Pets shall not be allowed on the complex.
    • Visitors shall wear undergarments to include bra, panties, and underwear. Sheer dresses and skirts shall require slips.
    • Visitors shall be dressed properly. Modest attire shall include the following.
      • ​Dresses
      • ​Skirts
      • ​Jeans
      • ​Pant Suits
      • ​Blouses or shirts shall be recommended as appropriate for females
      • ​Shorts shall be allowed for females, but shall extend to no less than mid-thigh or three (3) inches above the knee
      • ​Male visitors shall wear long pants or shorts. Shorts shall be no less than mid-thigh or three (3) inches above the knee and a long or short sleeve shirt.
    • The following clothing shall be prohibited
      • ​Clothing with a split or slit of any type
      • ​Clothing which does not completely cover the midriff, cleavage, or bosom
      • Short-shorts, mini-skirts, or halter tops
      • Tank tops, muscle shirts, sleeveless stops, or see-through clothing of any kind
      • Head coverings of any kind, including a headband, excluding religious head coverings
      • Blouses shall be buttoned to conceal cleavage
      • Leggings, unless worn under a dress or skirt that extends no less than three (3) inches above the knee.
    • The Shift Supervisor shall review and observe any questionable attire and make a determination if the visit is to be allowed or terminated. Visitors shall be allowed to visit the next day if attire complies with policy.
    • A copy of the BCC Visiting Rules and Regulations shall be at the Visiting Desk.
  • Entry of Inmates
    • Inmates shall enter the visiting area through the rear entrance of the Visiting Building. Institutional ID, locker key, and wedding band shall be the only items allowed into the visiting area.
    • Inmates shall be fully dressed in inmate uniforms.
    • Inmates and their visitors shall not be allowed to sit beside each other.
    • At the conclusion of a visit, inmates shall remain at assigned table or in an assigned area until the Visiting Officer has cleared the visiting area of visitors.

  • BCC also requires the following guidelines
    • Visitors shall not be allowed to leave any personal belongings, money, or packages for the inmate unless approved by the Warden.
    • Visitors shall not have more than fifty (50) dollars in (quarters, ones, fives, and tens) for vending machines in their possession. All change shall be in a clear container only.​
    • Purses, wallets, or handbags shall not be allowed in the visiting area.
    • Cell phones shall not be allowed in the visiting area. Cell phones must be locked in vehicles.
    • Table coverings, place mats, blankets, beach towels, newspapers, or magazines shall not be allowed.
    • Visitors shall not be permitted to bring any type of food or drink into the visiting area for any reason.
    • Strollers, play pens, swings, walkers, toys, diaper bags, or infant carriers shall not be allowed. Two (2) premeasured bottles and three (3) diapers only shall be allowed for infants.
    • Visitors who bring in any unauthorized items will be required to return those items to their vehicles at the direction of the Visiting Staff. Any unauthorized items that may lead to misdemeanor or felony charges, the Kentucky State Police shall be contacted immediately.
      • ​Inmates shall not join visitors until the visitor has completed registration and is seated.
    • Only the Shift Supervisor shall have the authority to deny or terminate a visit. If a visit is denied or terminated for any reason, the Shift Supervisor shall prepare a written report to the Warden explaining in detail the reason for denial or termination. If a visit is terminated for unruly behavior, inappropriate conduct, or illegal or possible illegal activity, the visitor shall be informed that they shall not be allowed reentry to visit without written permission from the Warden.
  • General Information
    • Visitors shall remain in the Visitation Building.
    • Restricted areas shall be posted and strictly enforced.
    • Inmates shall not be allowed to enter the parking lot or a visitor's vehicle for any reason.
    • Visiting Officers shall have total responsibility for supervision of visiting and shall enforce visiting regulations. It shall be the Visiting Officer's responsibility to call attention to any breach of regulations. If a visitor ignored the instructions of an officer, the visit may be terminated.
    • Instructions may include:
      • Refraining from making loud noise, making an obscene or sexual gesture or contact, disrupting the visits of others, and other unacceptable behavior.
      • The necessity of bringing adequate identification on a subsequent visit.
      • Unacceptable attire.
    • Institutional count times during visits occur at 10:00am and 12:15pm. At these times, no inmates will be allowed to enter or leave the visitation area until count has cleared. All inmates will remain seated until count clears.
    • Inmates and visitors shall be allowed to kiss and embrace once at the start of the visit and once at the conclusion of the visit. Brief physical contact, such as holding hands, kissing, and embracing shall be permitted within the bounds of good taste and only at the beginning and the end of the visit. This shall be done in the black square embrace boxes.
    • ​Visiting Officer shall not accept any article or gift of any kind from the inmate or visitor.​

Phone Numbers

Taxi Companies in Lexington

Yellow Cab/Wildcat Taxi: (859) 225-2227 or (859) 231-8294 

Greyhound Bus Lines in Lexington

Local: (859) 299-8804

Fares and Schedule Information: (800) 231-2222​