Visitation Information
Visitation will remain on Tuesday and Wednesday.
Visitation time will remain 9:00 a.m. to 3:00 p.m.
Visitation will remain on the monthly schedule.
- Week 1 - South, Week 2 - North, Week 3 - Lower North, Week 4 - West
Visits will not have to be scheduled unless you are housed in RHU of L-Wing.
Contact will be allowed per policy.
- An inmate in the regular visiting area shall be allowed brief physical contact (example: holding hands, kissing, and embracing). This contact shall be permitted within the bounds of good taste and only at the beginning and end of the visit.
Visitors must be on the approved visitation list. Minors will be permitted per policy.
- Children under the age of eighteen (18) shall not visit unless approved and included on the inmate's visiting list. They must be accompanied by a parent or legal guardian or by another immediate family member with written parental or guardian approval. The name of the parent, legal guardian, or other immediate family member accompanying the child shall be included on the approved visitation list.
- Children visiting without a parent or guardian need a notarized written consent from the parent/guardian.