Robey began her career with the Department of Corrections in 2004 as a correctional officer at the Kentucky State Reformatory. In 2005, she promoted to classification and treatment officer in the restricted housing unit. The next year, Robey promoted to unit administrator I and assisted in the supervision of the institution's Nursing Care Facility and a diverse general population housing unit consisting of 700 offenders. In 2008, Robey was promoted to unit administrator II, where she supervised the department's most severely mentally ill offenders in the Corrections Psychiatric Treatment Unit (CPTU).
Serving as deputy warden at Roederer Correctional Complex from 2015 to 2019, Robey focused on enhancing the evidence-based programs, creating additional job opportunities for offenders, and assisting with the design and implementation of the institution's service dog program and Reentry Center.
In April 2019, Robey was named warden at Blackburn Correctional Complex. In collaboration with the Division of Addiction Services, she worked to implement the first substance use disorder treatment program in the institution's history.
Robey earned a bachelor's degree in justice administration from the University of Louisville in 2003. In 2009, she was named the KSR Employee of the Year. She is a graduate of the 2013 Commissioner's Executive Leadership Program.