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Addiction Services

End the Stigma

"To show me that there is help out there and that someone really does care if you make it."
-Laurel County Jail client Allen
when asked how Addiction services staff have helped him throughout his recovery process.


"The mentors in my program have taught me that they are still working on themselves as well. It doesn't stop when you receive your certificate."
-Andreana, Kentucky Correctional Institution for Women


"The program has taught me how to avoid high risk situations, as well as building a proper support network to help me. It has taught me how to deal with inner feelings that have been harbored inside me that lead me to using drugs. It has shown me that my life is not over and can be rebuilt. The staff here have been patient and very compassionate about my recovery and my future. They truly care about me staying sober and have done a very good job."
-Anthony, Laurel County Jail


"It works if you work it."
-Danny, Laurel County Jail


"They have bent over backwards to help us grow."
-Davell, Laurel County Jail.


Faces of SAP

Recovery is happening inside re-entry service centers, jails, and prisons throughout the Department of Corrections. Each Year, thousands of individuals enter treatment with the hope of change and a better life. Many have lost friends, family, and their freedom but are finding hope, courage, and a chance to build up relationships to be stronger than they were before.

Our judges invite you to share in our clients stories and celebrate the power or recovery. We believe we have more in common than we might think. We all want to be the best parent, brother, sister, aunt, uncle, grandparent, child, and friend that we can possibly be.

Faces of SAP 2023 Cover.jpg
Faces of SAP 2023

Faces of SAP 2022 

Faces of SAP 2021

Faces of SAP 2020


Faces of SAP 2019 


Information and Resources

Do you or a loved one suffer from a Substance Use Disorder (SUD) and/or mental illness? Please use our resources below to help educate yourself and find help. SUD is a chronic disease most commonly known as substance abuse or addiction.

As of December 2018, the Federal Bureau of Prisons estimated that 80-90% of incarcerated people have a Substance Use Disorder.

Recovery is:

  • Becoming honest and responsible
  • Recognizing the need for change
  • Eliminating self-defeating behavior and thought patterns
  • Learning to recognized and manage feelings without the use of drugs or alcohol
  • Changing social identity
  • Increasing self-awareness, awareness of others, and awareness of environment
  • Developing a pro-social value system


What is SAP?

Substance Abuse Programming (SAP) administered by the division of Addiction Services serves as the largest Substance Use Disorder treatment provider in the Commonwealth of Kentucky. The Division's mission is to:

  • Provide evidence-based programming to address individuals with Substance Use Disorders and facilitate a positive lifestyle free of illicit substances.
  • Recognize the devastation of addiction and its impact on families and communities.
  • Promote dignity and respect in the rehabilitative process.
  • Collaborate with other DOC divisions to ensure continuity of care while promoting public safety.
  • Regulate procedures to accommodate legislative change and directives.

The Division's vision is to be creative and develop substance abuse programs that not only positively impact our clients and their support systems, but also provide professional opportunities for our staff to restore communities across the Commonwealth by effectively treating clients with Substance Use Disorder within the Department of Corrections.

The Criminal Justice Kentucky Treatment Outcome Study (CJKTOS) reported a return of $3.90 for every $1 spent on corrections-based treatment.


Treatment Process

Individuals who have a history of substance abuse and wish to participate in substance abuse programming must apply through the DOC. Whether applicants are denied or approved, they will receive a letter communicating their acceptance, or lack thereof, into the programming. Once accepted, applicants will be placed on the waiting list and will be moved into their program based upon parole board date, location, conflicts, bed space availability, and other factors.

After clients are admitted into the program, they begin their treatment journey with Phase I - Orientation. Phase II and III consist of Primary Treatment and Relapse Prevention and Reentry, respectively. Program instructors utilize A New Direction, a cognitive-behavioral treatment curriculum through the Betty Ford Hazelden Foundation, to guide clients through a 6-month course that will help them to maintain their sobriety, think more positively, and equip them with the necessary skills to become contributing members of society.


Therapeutic Community Cardinal Rules

Any violations of these rules may result in immediate termination.

  • No Drugs or Alcohol
  • No Violence or Threats of Violence
  • No Sexually Acting Out
  • No Violating Confidentiality
  • No Gambling
  • No Stealing
  • No Cheating



